Sunday, April 24, 2011

angry with pressure Obama - Obama to inflate tires. Save as abundant oil?

Obama to inflate tires. Your information is wrong: "... you make fun of a step that all experts would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3-4% says:" The fact is that experts say you May 3 to 4% miles per gallon, if we inflate the tires under-inflated win. Obama apparently used "oil consumption" because it is politically appropriate. He hopes that you just keep smiling and not smart enough to understand the lies. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to keep your tires properly inflated.clearly, in fact, the Department of Energy says: "You can improve gas mileage by around 3.3 percent ..." Besides obvious fault that Obama believes in the United States are badly inflated tire, not all the imported oil used for gasoline or diesel units. Where are the experts BO? He says: "... every expert says ..." this. I checked his website and there are no sources listed. So you see, BO is comparing apples and oranges to justify its position. This isObama Lies just bad BO. Obama liar. Obama can not tell the truth. Obama is bad at math.

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